Farm-Fresh Products

Black Walnut Acre’s produces a range of farm-fresh products throughout the year. May of our products are seasonal, with a full listing of currently available products found on our main page.

Duck and Chicken Eggs
Duck and chicken eggs are generally available year-round. Please check the main page for current availability and pricing.
Chicks and Ducklings
Every spring we hatch chickens and ducks, and older animals are sometimes available in the summer and early fall. Our chickens are a mixture of Americana’s and Black Australorps, and produce eggs ranging in colour from brown, to blue, to green, to taupe. These are dual-purpose birds, and can be raised for eggs, meat, or as a pet.
Registered Nubian Goat Kids
We breed registered Nubian goats, with weaned kids available for purchase in the spring. Please check out our Goats page for information on our dam’s and buck. If you are interested in purchasing these animals it is best to contact us well in advance. Kids can be pulled if you desire.
Wildflower honey is available starting in early September, and is available until we are sold out. Honey is sold in 500 mL jars (~600 g), and bulk purchases are available.
Raw beeswax is occasionally available. Please check our main page to see if any is available, or contact us for a special order.
Bee Nucleus Colonies
Occasionally, nucleus colonies of bees are available. Please check our main page to see if any is available, or contact us for a special order. Note: Nucleus hives will not be available in 2021.
Other Products
Keep an eye out here on our webpage, on our Instagram account, and on Facebook, for upcoming product releases. Goat-milk soaps, shampoos, body lotions and lip-balm will soon be available. Holiday-themed beeswax candles may also be available mid-fall.